When it comes to following trends in fashion, there are four different types of followers. People who follow, people who try to follow, people who claim not to follow, but they do, and people who care less to follow, but they should. The art of rocking a trend can be easily attained by knowledge, direction, and confidence. The knowledge part is simple because fashion is everywhere, but creating a direction is where most people get lost. I see fashionable people everyday, but style not so much.
Becoming "trendy" does not mean, to go out and buy everything you see on the "Top 10 Must- Have" list per season. To avoid the common mistake of overdoing it, direct yourself according to your body type and lifestyle. I can guarantee 9 times out of 10 if it looks unflattering or impractical on the runway model, you can probably guess it is not going to look any better, or be any easier to pull off on you. I am not one to follow every single trend, but I am confident knowing I can pull off almost anything if I wanted to. You would be surprised how far a little self- confidence could get you, and how much better you will look. For those who have never heard the phrase, "Fake it, until you make it." I know it sounds corny, but it goes a long way. If you don't feel it, fake it, and eventually you will. Trust me.
Things to remember about trends: Less is always more; too much of anything is never a good thing. Find styles that work with your body type. Just because something looks amazing on someone else does not mean it is going to look like that on you. Also, shop for your size. Buying something a size down might be motivating at the time, but eventually reality will set in, and when it does you will realize not only are you out the money, but your out an outfit too. Be practical. I know how hard this one can be, especially if you are in denial like me. The best way for me is to ask myself, where am I going in this? If there is nothing that comes to mind, I let it go. If I didn’t, I know it would just be sitting in my closet waiting to be worn. Then before you know it the style has changed, and the outfit is yesterday’s news. This has happened to me one too many times, but I finally smartened up.
Remember that trends change within a blink of an eye. If budget is an issue, stock up on all your favorite trends at budget friendly stores like H&M or Target. Online sites such as Topshop.com and ASOS.com offer trendy alternatives for a fraction of the cost. Never splurge on a so- called "trend" item. Growing up, my Dad would always reprimand my mom and I for spending too much money on clothes. I can't even tell you how many times I have heard him explain all the reasons why designer clothes are a poor investment. While I would have to agree to disagree with him now, I cannot emphasize enough that splurging on a trendy item (you will realistically wear twice) is a waste of money, unless of course you could afford it. Then again, even those who can afford it; in light of this economy, be smart. If you are going to splurge, then invest in classic pieces you will have for years.